Friday, June 14, 2013

Gatwick Airport. Not fit for Humans.

I Love this soapbox.

So Gatwick Airport. You are the most useless, customer irresponsive, waste of space.
Yes, it is a real word - Irresponsive
You are staffed, largely in part, a significant part anyway,  by Liars, who really just want to enjoy the cache of working for Britain's second busiest airport, and not provide any real service to the poor pathetic cattle who have the misfortune to be travelling from here.
gatwick airport staff
Feck the Customers - Let's Party.
They even rejoice in the fact that 'sorry we have no information at the present....'- and I swear, that's the only time they grin.
Ok, so what's behind this rant? Maybe, is the complete lack of consideration for Smokers: After foolishly checking in for my (delayed) Gambia Bird flight to Freetown, I find myself  'Out of The Country' as the useless staff like to tell me.
Now I've been thinking about this, and it occurs to me if I light a cigarette while I'm 'Out of The Country' who can prosecute me? So, the 'Official Procedure' is this: The useless airline desk CAN take any smokers back Into the Country if they feel like it, but they have to get the permission of Immigration, who can approve, or not approve of this action.
Also they have to be ars3d to do it , and as they have a busy day of chatting with each other about TV programs they have watched and the price of bread, and dissappearing - all six of them, at the same time to their staff room, (where no doubt, they Can Smoke), they are not inclined to try to get permission for just one slightly bolshy smoker.
Did I mention that my delay was initially Five Hours before a revised departure time would be released, and it ended up being an Eight Hour Delay. (see next post about Gambia Bird)
And the lies ? Well one of the Airline Desks woman had the nerve to tell me - down the phone, not to my face - that everyone had been told that if they check in early, they will not be able to smoke.
Total complete utter LIE. I definately was not given that information.
Why does Gatwick Airport have to be (almost) the only airport in the World where no consideration is given for smokers ?
I don't care if they give me a small smelly room with an ashtray - just give me somewhere so I don't have to break your rules and inconvenience others.


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